Company Policy

Our Objectives

Achieving customer satisfaction. Providing safe, healthy and clean work environment.


Our Objectives

Fulfilling customer requirements of our products (Ready Made Garments) with high quality and suitable prices, maintaining the work environment which assures the health and safety of our employees inside & outside the premises (concerning work issues) and complying with laws, regulations, and other requirements. Committing ourselves to prevent pollution, and decrease losses throughout the implementation of working system that meets the requirements of the international management systems of: ISO 9001:2008 / ISO 14001:2004 / OHSAS 18001:2007

Our Aims

Continual Improvement and development of our:

  • (Quality – Environment – Health & Safety -) by providing awareness sessions and training programs for our employees alongside with the effective maintenance programs for equipments, and Constructions.
  • Revising our policy, objectives, and laws related to the systems of (Quality- Environment – Health & Safety) annually as part of our top management review.
  • Spreading those policies to the quality entities inside, and outside the factory, and to all of those who do deal with us.

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